Bari, Italy


Bari, Italy

Ah, lost deep inside the labyrinth that is this little Italian port city of Bari. Bari is a lovely, oh-so-typically Italian town overlooking the Adriatic Sea. Rude bus drivers, confusing (or nonexistent) signs, women hanging laundry on balconies while shouting across to each other three stories up, mopeds zooming down narrow streets, pizzas baking in corner shops, men playing chess on makeshift cardboard tables, teens drinking in the square, children racing each other on tiny bikes, gelato stands spilling out of windows, shoppers haggling over miniature markets. Amongst the chaos, you feel content…because, after all, this is southern Italy – and the chaos is mandatory. Italy wouldn’t really feel quite right without it!

2 thoughts on “Bari, Italy

  1. I spent a beautiful day here before catching a ferry to Greece. Such charm in Bari. A family friend of a friend, cooked us an italian feast and fed us until we could barely move, it was perfect. Thank you for the post, happy travels!

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